In collaboration with RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) Vietnam, we HART are proud to introduce the Sustainable and Wellbeing Project, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at addressing the issue of Plastic Pollution through Sustainable Means. This Project focuses on the growth of biomaterial from Kombucha, a fermented tea that has the potential to revolutionise the way we create sustainable alternatives to plastic.

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Why Kombucha?

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Phan Thanh Minh Artist: Emotions and A Journey Through Vietnam

“I found I could say things with Colours and Shapes that I couldn’t say any other way–things I had no words for.”

Phan Thanh Minh is a Vietnamese Artist who has gained recognition for his amazing emotional paintings. His works are known for their ability to evoke strong emotions in viewers, leaving them feeling moved and inspired.

Phan Thanh Minh's paintings are characterized by vivid colours, bold brushstrokes, and emotional depth. He often uses bright, contrasting colours to create a sense of energy and movement in his works. His brushstrokes are loose and expressive, giving his paintings a sense of spontaneity and emotion.

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Hart Upcycled Home Decor: Preserving Vietnam's Cultural Heritage and Timeless Treasures

In a world where mass-produced goods dominate, there is a growing appreciation for unique,

handcrafted items that carry the essence and craftsmanship of a Culture. Hart Upcycled Home

Decor is at the forefront of this movement in Vietnam, working with various partners such as

boutique hotels, resorts, restaurants, and venues to curate interior spaces that celebrate

Vietnam's Rich Heritage and Tribal Arts and Crafts. By Upcycling and Repurposing old objects

and materials, Hart Upcycle brings a touch of authenticity and sustainability to every space it


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The Power of Art to Transform and Inspire: Creating postcards

Hart Upcycle: A Creative Collaboration

In the world of home decor, creativity knows no bounds. Hart Upcycle stands out as a testament to the innovative spirit that exists within the industry. With a dedicated team of talented artists and friends, Hart consistently brings unique and stunning pieces to life.

One such collaboration is between Olka Ivanova, a photographer, and Stephanie Stubbs, an artist. Together, they have created a Hart art space that is both visually stunning and emotionally evocative.

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Tết Trung Thu: Celebrating the Vietnamese Mid-Autumn Festival with Mooncakes, Legends, and Gratitude to Mothers

In Vietnam, the Mid-Autumn Festival, known as Tết Trung Thu, is one of the most significant and cherished Traditional Holidays. It is a time of celebration and Family Reunion, often observed on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, which typically falls in September. The Festival is deeply rooted in Vietnamese culture and serves as a tribute to the Harvest and the Moon.

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Phu Lang Pottery: The Art of Eel Skin Enamel

“Man is a Vessel of God’s love, we have this Treasure in the Jars of Days, filled in the Beauty of Creation.”

Phu Lang Pottery began to appear at the beginning of the 14th Century under the Tran Dynasty, originating from a Pottery Village called Phuc Khe, The name Phu Lang lasted until the end of the Tran Dynasty and the beginning of the New Le Dynasty becoming famous. Of all the famous Brown Earthenware Kilns in the Red River Delta, Phu Lang Brown Pottery Village is the only one that produces Glazed Brown Crockery.

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Antique Bao Cap Pottery: A Glimpse into the History and Life in Vietnam from 1950 to 1970

Bao Cap pottery, produced in the village of Bao Cap in Vietnam from the 1950s to 1970s, offers a glimpse into the lives of Vietnamese people during this transformative period. These ceramics, made of high-quality clay and hand-painted with simple, geometric designs, were commonly used for everyday household items during the subsidy period.

Bao Cap pottery reflects the importance of traditional occupations and the patriotic spirit that swept through the nation. Although production declined in the 1970s, these antique ceramics remain highly sought-after by collectors and enthusiasts.

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Ban Lu Pottery: Treasures From The Border of Vietnam-Laos

“Ban Lu pottery is a Symbol of the Flow of Life like a River, Always Flowing and Changing.”

Ban Lu pottery is an ancient pottery line of Lao people in Muong Et district, Hua Phan province, Lao People's Democratic Republic.

Ban Lu Pottery is made from clay with high adhesion, which is taken by potters from fields near their houses or fields near rivers and streams due to the long-term accumulation of Alluvium.

Ban Lu Pottery is characterised by its Water Wave Textures, engravings, and wavy and folded shapes. The Potters used various tools to create these patterns, including wooden stamps, bamboo sticks, and even their fingernails. The Pottery is often decorated with symbols that have special meaning to the Lao People, such as the Water Wave Pattern, which represents the Flow of Life.

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Weaving Shuttles: A Tapestry of Traditions

“Yesterday’s weaving is as irrevocable as yesterday. I may not draw out the threads, but I may change my shuttle.”

Once upon a time, in the Enchanting Land of Vietnam, a magical tool known as the Weaving Shuttle played a vital role in the Rich Tapestry of the Country's Weaving History. This unassuming instrument, resembling a tiny boat, sailed through the warp and weft of countless fabrics, carrying with it the stories and traditions of Generations past.

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Vietnamese Bamboo Buffalo Bells: A Unique Cultural ArtifacT

"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the rice fields. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the Sunset."

Buffalo bells are an integral part of Vietnamese folklore and have been used for centuries in various ceremonies and rituals.

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Vietnamese dining trays: Glimpse into Vietnamese Family Tradition of Sharing 

Communal Tradition Connecting Generations and Nurturing Togetherness.

"Our admiration of the antique is not admiration of the old but of the Natural."

In Vietnamese Tribal Culture, you can’t see the common table to serve meals. All dishes are presented in a Tray for the whole Family to enjoy. The wooden round Tray is usually made of a jackfruit tree. At the beginning or end of a family meal, kids often hear adults reminding them: "Put the Tray out, Son!" or: "Done, take the Tray, Son!". The Tray is so familiar that it replaces a meal in its calling.

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The Significance of Baby Care in Lao Cai Province, Vietnam: Insights from H'mong, Red Dao, and Tai Ethnic Groups

The Significance of Baby Care in Lao Cai Province, Vietnam: Insights from H'mong, Red Dao, and Tai Ethnic Groups

Lao Cai Province in Vietnam is a culturally diverse region, home to numerous Ethnic Groups with distinct traditions and beliefs. Within this vibrant tapestry, there exist meaningful Cultural Symbols surrounding the act of Baby Caring. Examining the H'Mong, Red Dao, and Tai ethnic groups, we gain insight into their Spiritual and Cultural Symbols related to this practice.

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Ethic Minority, Viet Thai (Tai)

The Thai Ethnic Group in Vietnam has a rich Cultural Heritage, particularly in their Traditional Textiles. Using a Backstrap Loom, Thai Weavers produce high-quality fabrics with intricate patterns and vibrant colors. Their Textiles have significant Cultural and Social value, often used daily and in Traditional Ceremonies and passed down through Generations. However, the decline in demand for Hand-woven Textiles and the loss of interest in Traditional Weaving Techniques are major challenges for the continuation of Thai Textiles. To address these challenges, initiatives are underway to support and promote traditional Thai Textiles, with hopes that they will continue to thrive and be appreciated for Generations to come.

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Red Dao Ethnic Group: Significant Contribution to the Cultural Diversity of VietnaM

The Red Dao Ethnic Group resides in Vietnam and is one of the most prominent Dao Ethnic Groups. They possess a Rich Cultural Heritage that encompasses Spiritual Beliefs, Folk Legends, Traditional Clothing with Symbolic Meanings, and Herbal Medicine Knowledge.

The Spiritual Beliefs of the Red Dao are closely tied to their Natural Environment. They believe in the existence of Nature Spirits and Ancestors who play a significant role in their lives. They have numerous Rituals, Ceremonies, and Festivals dedicated to strengthening their connection with the Spirits and Ancestor Worship.

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